We Believe Victims of Negligence Deserve
Full, Fair, Just Compensation
In the past, your regular doctor would be more likely to visit you in the hospital, but this has become less common, and now hospital-based doctors, dubbed hospitalists, have taken
Read More..A school trip to Cedar Point could have ended in tragedy last week as one of the busses–carrying 12 middle school students plus two chaperones–drifted over the midline then careened
Read More..An observational study published this week in the Archives of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery confirmed that Viagra and similar medications, known as phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors (PDE-5i), are associated wit
Read More..The Fairfield County Department of Health has been directed to relocate its offices from the dilapidated pre-Civil-War building where it is currently located. The instructions came from the Board of
Read More..As if to re-emphasize the message of last week’s blog, this week there are several events in Columbus encouraging people to ride their bikes to work. The first, the Bik
Read More..A Columbus teen was killed yesterday while walking on a rural stretch of road in Licking County in Granville Township. The fatal pedestrian accident occurred just before 9:30 pm
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