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We Believe Victims of Negligence Deserve
Full, Fair, Just Compensation
A person commits fraud when he or she knowingly makes a material misrepresentation with the intent of inducing another person to act or refrain from acting to his or her detriment. تعليم لعبة بوكر It is also necessary to show that the material misrepresentation was justifiably relied upon when the “victim” acted or failed to act.
“Negligent” misrepresentation occurs when, in the course of a transaction in which a person has a pecuniary interest, a person supplies another with false information to guide their business transaction. That person who so misrepresents can be liable for any pecuniary loss caused by the justifiable reliance upon that false information. مراهنات كرة قدم
Victims of fraud have legal rights, and you may be entitled to compensation. العاب للربح الحقيقي For a free consultation with Robert W. Kerpsack, please contact our law office online or call (614) 766-2000 to reach our attorney in Columbus, Ohio.
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