A Madison County, Illinois hospital, Saint Anthony’s Health Center, and several of its doctors, are facing a ten-count medical malpractice suit after Joyce Cooper claims she suffered a stroke as a result of their negligence. The claim states that Cooper’s family physician sent her to St. nyerögépes játék Anthony’s emergency room where a cardiac catheterization was performed. gaminator hack apk Cooper claims that during the catheterization, doctors could not engage the left coronary artery despite several attempts. ingyen nyerőgépes játékok After Cooper awoke from the procedure, she began having vision problems and problems focusing; she was ultimately diagnosed with a stroke.
Cooper’s claim alleges the defendants negligently performed the catheterization, failed to properly utilize the left coronary artery, failed to prevent a brain infarction, and performed the test when it was not necessary for her treatment. Cooper is seeking damages in excess of $500,000 plus costs and attorneys fees.