On April 1 in La Cañada Flintridge, California, a car carrier lost control, struck five vehicles, then crashed into a bookstore & coffeehouse. The truck may have lost its brakes on the steep Angeles Crest Highway. It sped down the hill, through an intersection, striking several cars. Then it drove completely over a sedan occupied by two people, a man and his twelve-year daughter, who were both killed. Several people in other cars were injured, three critically, and an employee in the book store suffered a broken leg.

This tragic truck accident shows how the reckless actions and negligence of many people can combine to create a deadly situation.

According to the mayor of La Cañada Flintridge, numerous requests had been made to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to fix the dangerous intersection when a truck lost control there last September, destroying seven vehicles and injuring one person, but due to disagreements between Caltrans and the city, no action had been taken. The driver, who was arrested on suspicion of gross vehicular manslaughter and felony reckless driving, had taken a steep mountain road where big rigs are banned. Coming down the steep grade may have contributed to the degradation of the truck’s brakes and their eventual failure. Poor maintenance on the truck’s brakes may also have contributed.

If you have been injured in a truck or auto accident, or if a loved one has suffered a wrongful death in one, all those responsible should be held accountable to the full extent of the law. Please schedule an auto accident consultation today with Columbus, Ohio personal injury lawyer Robert W. Kerpsack CO, L.P.A.to pursue action against those to blame for your injury.