With children out of school and looking for ways to cool off during the hot summer days, many of them will decide to go to the pool. Unfortunately, whenever children get into the pool, there is a significant risk of drowning, and many pools are unsupervised during the hours that children will seek them out. ivexterm farmacias similares
Private pool owners have a duty to ensure their pools are safe. buy ivermectin online spain This includes taking reasonable care to ensure that the pool is safe from trespassing children. A swimming pool is considered an attractive nuisance and a danger to children unless pool owners secure it properly. This means ensuring the pool is surrounded by a reasonably secure fence, or access is otherwise denied, such as access ladders removed from above ground pools.
Pool owners also have a responsibility to supervise children they invite to their pool. This includes municipal pool owners as well as owners of pools located on private property. ivermectin fleas dogs Failure to supervise children at pool parties and other events can easily lead to a child’s death.
If you have lost a child in a swimming pool accident, you may be able to receive compensation for your loss with a wrongful death lawsuit.
To learn more about your legal rights and options, please contact Robert W. Kerpsack, CO, LPA in Columbus, Ohio today for a free case evaluation.