It’s just common sense. When you have your wipers on, it’s because you’re having trouble seeing other cars, so it makes sense they may have trouble seeing you. ivermectina 6mg para q sirve Turning your lights on just makes your car more visible and can reduce your chance of being in a car accident during adverse weather.

And in Ohio, it’s the law. For more than a year, Ohio law has mandated that when you turn your wipers on, you turn on your headlights. ivermectin and lapr Before 2010, Ohio law mandated that headlights be used between sunrise and sunset when visibility diminished to 1000 feet or less. In January 2010, the law changed to say that drivers must turn on their headlights whenever wipers are in use. Violating the law constitutes a misdemeanor and carries a $100 fine.

Added to the issue of safety, this would seem to make it an obvious choice for people to turn on their headlights in bad weather, but even during rainy conditions, a Columbus Dispatch rough survey suggested that as many as 25% of drivers still don’t use their lights during rainy or wet conditions.

If you were hit by a driver who failed to use headlights during rainy conditions, you deserve compensation, though that driver’s insurance company may be trying to blame the car accident on you. stromectol compresse prezzo At Kerpsack, CO, LPA, our personal injury lawyers are prepared to fight for you against unsafe drivers.

To learn more, please contact us today for a free case review.