An Ohio woman who had just received a check for her $8000 lottery winnings (less taxes) was killed in a car accident while heading home from her celebratory dinner. The woman, a mother of six from Crystal Rock, Ohio, had invited her husband and a couple of friends out to dinner, where they were enjoying themselves and discussing plans for their future, plans that she will now never get to enjoy. should german shepherds be given ivermectin She had started walking home, but had gone only a few hundred feet from the restaurant when she was struck by a car, dying instantly.
The woman had bought wedding rings for her and her husband, something the couple had been unable to afford. Then she had decided on the plan to buy a fishing boat to enjoy better economic times. Her friend described the plans: “Her husband was gonna be captain. She was going to be first mate, and [my husband] and I were going to be [deck] hands.”
The driver is not likely to be charged with a crime.
The woman’s lottery winnings highlight what is true of every car accident victim: she was in the first day of her new life. She was looking forward to exciting new possibilities and a brighter future. If you have lost a loved one in a car accident, you do not need lottery cash to know that he or she had a bright future ahead. And no amount of money can buy back even a single day of that time lost. ausmectin cattle pour on
A car accident or wrongful death lawsuit cannot bring back your loved one, but it can help cover bills and clear away temporal cares so you can focus on your loss. To learn how we can help in the wake of your tragic accident, please call or email Robert W. Kerpsack, CO, LPA in Columbus, Ohio for a free consultation. ivermectin lung fluke