In support of National Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, the Ohio State Highway Patrol is focusing on motorcycle safety and enforcement. The announcement is timed to remind all drivers that as the weather warms there will be a continued increase of motorcycles on the road. online nyerőgépes játékok ingyen For truck and passenger car drivers, this is a reminder that it’s important to be aware of motorcycles and afford them the full respect they deserve on the highway.
For motorcyclists, it’s a reminder that you should only ride if properly trained and sober. tippmix online From 2008-2010, there were 542 motorcycle accident deaths in Ohio. Unfortunately, the Ohio State Highway Patrol says that the motorcyclist was to blame for the accident in about 68% of the fatalities. In 2010, there were 168 motorcycle accident fatalities in Ohio, up 4% from 2009, but down considerably from the 25-year-high of 213 motorcycle accident deaths in 2008.
According to the Ohio State Highway Patrol, a number of key safety violations may have contributed to the at-fault status of motorcycle drivers in fatal accidents. There were nearly 8700 motorcycle citations written in 2008-2010, and about 20% of them were for driving without a proper license. In addition, 42% of citations involved speeding.
Riding sober is also crucial to avoiding motorcycle accidents. In the last three years, 39% of motorcyclists involved in fatal crashes were alcohol- or drug-impaired. paypal befizetés fogadóiroda
Whether you are a motorcyclist or not, you can do your part to contribute to a safer summer this year for motorcyclists in Ohio.
However, if you were injured or lost a loved one in a motorcycle accident in Ohio, you may be able to receive compensation for your injury or loss. For a free case evaluation, please call or email Robert W. Kerpsack, CO, LPA today.