Drowsy driving can be just as dangerous as drunk driving so the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) uses the week between November 2nd and November 9th to help make the American public aware of its dangers. تحميل لعبة كونكر بوكر During this week, the NSF hopes that others will join with them in discovering how dangerous drowsy driving can be and what steps drivers need to take to prevent drowsy driving accidents. وان كارت
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), an estimated 1,550 deaths occur each year due to drowsy driving. Because there is not a specific test, like a breathalyzer, to determine if someone is actually driving while too tired, the NHTSA and the NSF hope to provide the facts about drowsy driving so it can be avoided. قوانين بلاك جاك
The NSF offers the following advice to avoid drowsy driving:
- Between 7-9 hours of sleep per night
- Don’t drive if you’ve been awake for 24 hours or more
- Pull over and take a quick nap if you feel extremely tired behind the wheel
- Drink caffeine when you need a quick pick-me-up
While it is hard for most adults to maintain a regular sleep schedule because of work, school, and family obligations, it is imperative to ensure that you are safe when you are driving.
At the Law Firm of Robert W. Kerpsack, our Columbus car accident lawyers care about our community and hope that you and your family can join us this month to take steps to avoid drowsy driving. If you’ve been injured due to another’s negligence behind the wheel, please contact our team today or call us at (614) 766-2000.
For more information about drowsy driving, please view the following infographic: http://bit.ly/11l1biU