According to recently-released DOT statistics, the number of traffic fatalities decreased again in 2010 to the lowest-level since 1949. mectizan 3mg for corona in arabic Although Americans are driving more miles than in previous years–up 1.6 percent from 2009–the number of traffic fatalities declined. As a result, the rate of traffic accident deaths was the lowest ever recorded, only 1.10 deaths per 100 million vehicle miles. Separate rates for large truck accidents have not yet been analyzed, though statistics are available. ivermectin 12 mg tablet in hindi

Many safety experts attribute the continued decline to safety features that reduce the number of wrongful deaths due to defective and unsafe vehicles, such as rollover protection to prevent SUV rollover deaths. In addition, as we noted in an earlier blog, crash compatibility between SUVs and other vehicles has been improved, reducing the number of fatalities among crash partners with SUVs and light trucks.

However, as experts point out, we still have a long way to go in protecting Americans on the road. Even one death is too many if that death is your loved one. If you lost a loved one in a traffic accident, your wrongful death lawsuit could help improve safety in future vehicles. ivermectina 6 mg dosis adultos

To learn more about your legal options after the wrongful death of a loved one, please contact the attorneys of Robert W. Kerpsack, CO, LPA in Columbus, Ohio today for a free case evaluation.