Sometimes dogs attack without any provocation and, when this happens, horrible injuries and disfigurement can occur. While it is imperative to protect yourself from these awful dog attacks, it is even more important to protect your children. A dog bite can be a reason for you to file suit against the owner of the dog or the owner’s insurance company.
According to Ohio law, a dog owner is liable for injuries that occur from a dog attack and can be taken to court for damages. invectrim The only exception to this law is if the person that was injured was trespassing or taunting the dog. There are special circumstances if the injured person is a child and they were trespassing because children are not considered able to care for themselves. ivermectina mecanismo de accion pdf
Our Columbus personal injury attorney can help you determine the best course of action if you or a loved one is attacked and injured by a dog. We can help to conclude if we should file suit for all or some of the following:
- Injury
- Disfigurement
- Disability as a result of the dog attack
- Lost wages
- Medical expenses
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional trauma
If you or a loved one has been injured in a viscous dog attack, please contact Robert W. Kerpsack. Our team will work to get you the best settlement we can from the dog owner and the insurance company associated with the dog’s owner. how to use ivermectin on pigs Call us today at (614) 766-2000.