The deer population in Ohio is high, and as a result so are deer-related accidents. betfinal عربي In fact, according to statistics released by a major auto insurer, Ohio has the fourth highest number of deer collisions in the country. And most deer accidents–as much as a quarter of the total number–occur in November. As a result, the Ohio Department of Insurance reminds drivers of the following tips for avoiding or reducing the severity of deer-related accidents.
- Drive with Caution at or below the speed limit
- The times of greatest risk are between sunset and midnight and around sunrise
- If you see one deer, others are nearby
- Use high beams when appropriate to help you see and avoid deer
- When an accident seems likely, keep control of your vehicle. Brake firmly and stay in your lane–swerving to avoid a deer may lead to a more serious accident. ضومنه اون لاين
And don’t forget to report any deer-vehicle collisions to law enforcement or a state wildlife officer within 24 hours. This can also allow you to take possession of the deer carcass. العابكلب
If you were involved in a deer-related accident and are having trouble with another driver or with your insurance company, the auto accident lawyers at Robert W. Kerpsack CO., L.P.A. can help. Please schedule a free case evaluation today.