When you drive with your kids and others in the car, it is your worst nightmare: a distracted driver causes a serious car accident, putting your children at risk. This is what happened on Saturday in Clark County, Ohio. A local woman, driving a minivan with six children inside, including her own daughter, was struck in the front passenger side by a station wagon that, according to investigators, ran the red light at the intersection of Ohio 235 and Ohio 41. Police believe distracted driving, rather than drugs, alcohol, or the weather, is to blame for the accident.
Both cars suffered serious damage, and the minivan rolled over off the road. All passengers were injured, and one of the children had to be extracted from the mangled wreck by emergency response personnel. However, all the passengers in the minivan have been treated, but are now recovering from their injuries. ورقة اونو
The driver of the station wagon was not so lucky. He suffered critical injuries and died Sunday at Miami Valley Hospital.
The difference, according to the Ohio State Highway Patrol: seat belts. 365كورة The driver of the station wagon was not wearing his seat belt and though his airbag inflated, the secondary restraint system was insufficient to save his life.
If you have been hurt or lost a loved one in a car accident caused by a distracted driver, you may need the help of a car accident attorney. neteller Please contact the attorneys of Robert W. Kerpsack, CO, LPA today for a free initial consultation.