It’s summer again, and that means it’s time for bee truck accidents. That’s right, every year in the early summer trucks carrying bees get on our highway and drive thousands of miles to take hundreds of hives of bees to visit various farms around the country. buy ivermectin for humans online Inevitably, several of these trucks will be involved in dangerous and potentially fatal truck accidents. Last year, one person was killed in a bee truck accident near Lakeville, Minnesota, and every time bee trucks are involved in accidents, millions of the stinging insects are released, shutting down traffic for hours.
The most recent bee truck accident occurred this morning near Truckee, California, and closed I-80 in both directions between Sacramento and Reno. Although several semi trucks were involved, it was only the bee truck that caused the prolonged closure of the highway, as it overturned, spilling the bees. does ivermectin prevent heartworm
It is a sign of how industrialized our agriculture has become that bees must be shipped like other resources, such as fertilizer. A bee truck carries as many as 800 hives of bees that are taken to various farms across the country and released to ensure that important crops are properly pollinated at exactly the right time so they can be ready for mechanical harvesting at the same time. Although bee shipping has become increasingly necessary due to colony collapse disorder, it may also be partly responsible for the mysterious disease affecting honey bee colonies. When massive amounts of foreign bees are brought into a region, the opportunities for native pollinators decline precipitously over the short term, which can stress them, not to mention the possibility that local hives can be attacked and destroyed by foreign bees.
One of my favorite short stories is a fantastical account of a bee truck accident, called “At the Mouth of the River of Bees” by Kij Johnson.
As we find more and more things to ship, our highways become increasingly crowded with semi trucks, which can increase your and your loved ones’ risk of being involved in a truck accident. If you have been hurt or lost a loved one in a truck accident, your truck accident lawsuit may not only get you compensation, but help trucking companies to understand the true cost of trucking. To learn whether you have a case, please contact the personal injury lawyers at Robert W. Kerpsack, CO, LPA for a free consultation today. ivermectin homelavet