We Believe Victims of Negligence Deserve
Full, Fair, Just Compensation
Yesterday Fox News reported on a 16-year-old girl in California who killed herself by driving drunk, speeding, and texting on her cell phone at the same time. She lost contro
Read More..On August 5, 2008, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) announced a recall of KeO bicycle pedals which are made in France. They are distributed in the U.S. by
Read More..In late July, the insurance company Amerigroup Corporation agreed to settle a lawsuit for $234 million. This all began with a whistleblower lawsuit initiated by one Cleveland Tyson, who had
Read More..Gregory Fishman worked for the Triborough Bridge and Tunnel Authority between 1991 and 2006 as a bridge and tunnel maintainer. This week a federal jury awarded him $235,000 for emotiona
Read More..If you received your insurance coverage from HealthMarkets before August, 2005, there is shortly to be a toll-free hotline you can call to learn more about your policy’s limits and
Read More..The Consumer Product Safety Commission today announced the recall of certain Dirt Devil vacuum cleaner attachments for safety reasons. ingyenes nyerőgépes játékok They were manufactured in China for TTI Floor
Read More..The social networking site Facebook is a popular website for young people to chat and post photos, interacting with others of like mind. Employers have begun to use it as
Read More..A wrongful death is one caused by someone’s negligence. The negligence could take many forms, such as: Drinking and driving Failing to diagnose cancer early enough Manufacturing a defective product
Read More..Between the FDA, mass tort attorneys, and drug manufacturers, there is a balance which swings now one way and now the other. There have been a number of highly-publicized drug
Read More..Cipro is an antibiotic with a great track record for treating Anthrax. It is one of the drugs that the federal government has stockpiled in case of a bioterrorist attack
Read More..The SpringBoard Plus, made by the Prentke Romich Company is a speech-generating device (SGD). There are many on the market, some called Augmentative Communication Devices (ACDs). They can be used
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